
Monday, July 18, 2011

Entitled to Happiness???

What are we to expect from a country that is so dependent on the government and a generation that no longer knows personal responsibility and individual achievement through hard work and dedication. A society that expects hand outs because they are "entitled" to them. We have developed a complex that permits government to take from us, and then redistribute it back to who it deems eligible. It occurs in every aspect of society. These people sprinting for money could easily be superintendents running for grant money from the Department of Education or farmers running for subsidies from the Department of Agriculture. It is hard for people to turn away handouts because everyone is struggling for more of something in their own way. However, we are approaching a tipping point in America where the people who are receiving the handouts hold the majority compared to the people contributing. Right now, 47% of Americans pay ZERO federal income taxes. Sooner or later a big enough majority of this country will be so dependent on the government to survive that we will not be able to sustain these promised entitlements. We will keep redistributing the wealth from the wealthy to the poor, trying to create an equal living status based on Marxist and Socialist principles, until, as Margret Thatcher once said " ...eventually you run out of other people's money."

This is not a radical right-wing Tea Party principle, this is an American principle. If you work hard and earn a dollar, then you deserve to keep as much of that dollar as possible. It is your freedom to spend it where you deem fit. We all agree that taxes are necessary to pay for our protection, our roads, bridges, etc. , but there is a line that should not be crossed. The Progressive idea that we as citizens have a RIGHT to a home, a job, a car, healthcare, and happiness is completely flawed. This is the biggest assault on our country's liberties. Our Constitution and Declaration of Independence give us only the RIGHT to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our Founding Fathers promised us that our government would not interfere with our NATURAL UNALIENABLE RIGHTS from GOD. We are only guaranteed an equal playing field in which to start our life, and it is the government's job to ensure that to us. It is not the government's job to make us finish our lives as equals. We need to be held accountable for our own personal decisions in life. We need to be allowed to fail as individuals and as businesses to fairly be able to succeed. This "Great Society" that promises false liberties and a "Second Bill of Rights" does nothing but take rights from one citizen and hand it to another. A government powerful enough to create rights is also powerful enough to take them away. We must understand that the larger the government becomes, the more money it will dangle in front of all of us, and of course that money is attached to strings. Once that money is put in your pocket that string becomes attached to you, connecting you to regulations and stipulations from the government. When the money runs out there will be more, you may need to vote a certain way to ensure it, but in some way or another the money will be there. This process will repeat until one day you are so dependent on that money that you don't know any other way, and you too will find yourself sprinting in a stampede to get your money. When presented, this way of life is hard to avoid, and when accepted it is even harder to remove. Obama-care is the best example of this government power grab in today's generation. It was presented as a way to fulfill everybody's RIGHT to healthcare, but over time government will over reach it's hand. It will destroy the private healthcare system, and we all will be left racing to get whatever is being handed out by our single payer government healthcare system. This country has progressed to a point where the idea of a safety net for our country's needy has done nothing but lulled people to sleep. It has stolen the will from a class of people who have the ability to achieve their goals but only needed a small helping hand in order to do so. When they were looking for help they received a politician with money in one hand, while looking for a vote with the other. When looking for help they were given a mediocre way of life in exchange for their American Dream. When looking for help they looked to the government, when instead they should have looked to their family, their neighbor, their church, or their community. It is time we replace the safety net that is destroying our country, and replace it with a trampoline that will break our fall and bounce us back to our feet. 

This Conservative Mindset was championed by The Great Communicator himself, Ronald Reagan. Hear what he had to say about Socialism, Redistribution of wealth, and the American Dream.

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