
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Tea Party Response to America

Hello America, we are The Tea Party. While most of you understand who we really are, unfortunately the rest of American has been blindfolded from our true identity. As of now, we have been labeled as the freshman class of Congress that is stubborn in its ways, and will not budge to compromise against our constituents' wishes. We thank you for the compliment. In 2008 Liberal America fooled the rest of the country into electing a president that promised to change how Washington worked, and to drain the swamp in Congress; but unfortunately those were two promises of many that landed far too short. We on the other hand are sticking to our pledge to come to Washington as people who are unfamiliar to politics as usual, and refuse to become part of the problem. We have arrived to tell these career politicians that America has decided that it is time that you run our country from Washington the way we run our families from our kitchen table. The Liberals in Washington, and their media counterparts, are astonished and aggravated by our loyalty; and wonder if we even understand the crisis at hand. In fact, we understand the crisis better than anyone because we have been looking at this problem from the outside for far too long. Republicans were guilty under Bush, and now under Obama the problem has tripled in size. Thanks to the American People, in November they sent us in to do their dirty work. We are the Tea Party and we have arrived to say, Washington you have a spending problem.  

If you listen to what President Obama is actually telling you, then you are to believe that his predecessor is to blame for the deficits, and his own deficits are only a result of trying to fix the destruction that has been caused. He blames Bush for two unfunded wars, but he has changed nothing expect to increase troop levels by 33,000, and get us involved in Libya's civil war. Also, he blames Bush’s unfunded tax cuts for the “rich”, but he has extended them two more years because he said raising taxes in a recession is a bad idea. Finally, he points to Bush’s unfunded Medicare Part D that helps seniors buy their prescription drugs, but he has blown that unfunded plan out of the water with his own Obama-care. We do not point this out to support or defend President Bush, but to show that President Obama talks a good game, but he lacks any real policy ideas that change Washington for the better. President Obama came into office with the idea that he can use his Democratic Super Majority at the time to spend our way out of a recession. This blank check approach is called Keynesian economics, and it has allowed our unemployment rate to go 28% higher than he promised, while putting our country in an additional debt of $4.9 trillion by 2016. President Obama put all his eggs in this basket because spending is all he knows. Well, the basket is about to break and those eggs are about to make a huge mess. On normal terms the President would spend more money we don’t have to try and stimulate the economy, but the Tea Party phenomena has now prevented that. Without this blank check our President is out of ideas. He talks about big cuts, balanced with tax increases on the rich, in exchange for the debt ceiling to be raised. But we know our history, and it tells us that this gimmick results in immediate tax increases, with spending cuts spread over years to come, but they will never come. This "plan" would leave Washington in the same mess with higher taxes and another blank check. Basically, it's a lot of Hope, with no Change. 

Despite what President Obama has said, the crisis we are in is not about raising the debt ceiling. This is just a small bump in the road towards a major debt crisis. If we don’t raise our debt ceiling then we are restricted to the amount of revenue that comes in by taxes, meaning no more borrowing. The problem is our government only has 60 cents of every dollar we spend, and borrows the other 40 cents.  Meaning, our tax revenue will pay for 60% of what we usually spend money on. The fact is, that our country will not default after Aug. 2nd because the cost of our mandatory payments, such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, student loans, the troops, and our veterans, plus interest on the debt, can be paid for with this 60%, with a little left over. The problem is we cannot afford the other 40% of our spending, we never could. This number of 40% is a true indicator that our government lives outsides of its means, and that too many people/companies are dependent on Washington. The President knows if the debt ceiling is not raised then he must use his discretion to prioritize the spending, which is way too much responsibility for his level of experience. Instead he tells the country that the vulnerable Medicare recipients, and those mentioned above, will suffer. But really they will only suffer if he puts them at the lower end of his priorities.  He is afraid to set the priorities because of his re-election, and he understands that a citizen dependent on the government is a vote in his column. So he uses scare tactics to get you on his side. He redirects your attention to the wealthy because he claims that they do not pay their fair share. He wants you to believe if they give up their wealth then we can afford the other 40%. With 47% of the country not paying federal income tax, the President is being dishonest to make such a claim regarding fairness. He is desperate to place the fiscal responsibilities of this country in the hands of everyone but himself. His party has not passed a budget for our country since April 2009. In January he issued a debt commission to make decisions for him, and then ignored every recommendation they offered. He proposed a budget that cut government spending by only $400 billion to $1 trillion, while adding $2.7 trillion to the debt over ten years. His budget didn’t receive a single vote from either party, the only recent bipartisan effort. This President is in way over his head, and he lacks any sign of true leadership, but what are we to expect from a President that has no experience that makes him qualified for this job.

Despite a lack of political experience, and having a small caucus of representation in Congress, the Tea Party has influenced the passing of a budget that will solve our debt crisis, and a Cap Cut and Balance bill that will end our debt ceiling debate. We have put true plans in writing that have successfully passed with bipartisan support, and they now sit on the table awaiting Senate and Presidential action. The Tea Party has shown more initiative and leadership than any other political entity in Washington, while staying true to our word at the same time. The President has done nothing but gives speeches, and he refuses to show the People his plan, instead he throws around generic numbers. The Tea Party has a plan, Cut Cap and Balance, that will pay for the mandatory spending with our available revenues, make immediate cuts ($111 billion) to the 2012 deficit, raise the debt ceiling by $2.4 trillion, and cap our overall spending to 19.9% of GDP by 2021. We then want to pass an Amendment to the Constitution that says Washington must pass a balanced budget every year, just like the States and the families across the country. This plan will force Washington to live within its means, eliminate false economic promises, and have an adult conversation about what we are spending money on. Most of all, this plan will put our country back on a path to fiscal responsibility, and will create a sound environment for economic growth. This is a solution, not a deal.

The Tea Party is not extreme, we are being honest with Americans by talking to them like adults in the sense that we can no longer afford everything we claim to be able to provide. It is true what they say. We do not want to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans, only because we do not want to raise taxes for any Americans. That includes millionaires, billionaires, middle class, small businesses, and even the 47% of Americans that pay ZERO federal income taxes. We say if you want to cut loopholes for wealthy Americans and take more of their earnings, then let’s have a true balanced approach and cut loopholes that allow welfare recipients to use other people's earnings to buy prime rib and crab legs, things that most middle class Americans can't afford. In the past, America has put in place a welfare society with the notion that since we are the wealthiest country on the planet, we can afford to help our citizens in unfortunate situations. This has grown from a sincere idea, to a way of life that America can no longer afford. We must reanalyze who is truly incapable and in dire need. We must restructure our safety nets so they are no longer collapsing the poles that hold them up. Many have painted a picture that shows the Tea Party as mean spirited and destructive, but the only destruction that will occur is an economic collapse due to our debt. When this happens we all will be entangled in a safety net being propped up by foreign countries. 

We understand that this debt ceiling crisis puts Obama’s future at risk, but our national debt crisis puts the American people’s future at risk. We are tired of hearing promises from the President’s pulpit that hides their spending addiction, and allows it to resurface down the road. That road is running out, and the future generations that will suffer have arrived. We the Tea Party will continue to stand strong and hold our principles up with pride because they are principles that benefit us all. No longer will we allow the poor, elderly, teachers, police, and firefighters to be used as props to scare people from taking action. We have plans to protect all of these services, and we are prepared to take our case to the American people. We are prepared to lead with honesty regarding our nation’s situation, and return the voice of government to its true owner, the People. As Abraham Lincoln once said, "I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. We understand that the attacks against us are desperate acts to keep the people from seeing the truth about what we really represent. We understand our message threatens a certain agenda to grow government in exchange for power, so our views will be distorted and exaggerated by our opponents. However, we know our message will always prevail because Liberty and Freedom are addictive, not because they are new ideas to the ear, but because they are instilled in us the moment we take our first breath.

Recently, President Obama ironically quoted a champion of our principles, Ronald Reagan. He did this to make the Tea Party seem extreme and radical, so I too shall share with you an ironic quote:
The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.
-Senator Barack Obama, 2006, when he voted against raising the debt ceiling-
Remember, it is not enough to read something that shares your views while you nod your head in agreement. You must be proud of your principles and learn to speak out in a civil and respectable manner. Liberals are always quick to make their political comments because they believe their views are in the majority, but really it is your silence that makes you feel in the minority. If you begin sharing your principles to family and friends, you will be amazed by the number of people already in your corner. You can start now by sharing this Tea Party Response to America with the people that need it the most, not necessarily with the people that agree the most. Everyday your principles are being defined for you and distorted beyond recognition, and if you choose to remain silent then one day you will find your principles truly are in the minority. 

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