
Thursday, December 8, 2011

He Said What's Not Fair ?

Recently President Obama made a speech in Kansas that highlighted two ideas that I agree with him on. The first idea is that America needs to be the place that is fair for everyone. Fairness was the hot topic of this speech, in fact, he went on to mention it in some way or another 14 more times. I think everyone can agree that we do need a country and an economic system that is fair to all, but the problem is the President doesn’t give detail to what he thinks fairness looks like. The second point I agree with him on is that this issue is a key idea that anchors people to their respective ideology (Conservatism or Liberalism). The president gave this particular speech from Osawatomie, Kansas to channel President Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican, to show that 100 years ago Republicans and Democrats shared the same ideas. Well I am sure he fooled some with this tactic, but Roosevelt was actually a new kind of Republican at the time, and actually went on to start the Progressive Party. So his comparison is misguiding, but it is important to mention this history because what Obama is doing is laying out his ideology and message for his campaign that will match the emotions of his base but look like a moderate for the independents. Let us not be fooled, AGAIN! The upcoming 2012 presidential election will be a critical one that will lay out the path of our country during some future crucial domestic and international times. So let us dissect this idea of fairness and draw a line in sand. Where do you stand and what do you consider fair?
Let me first present to you a fictional narration of unfairness through the eyes of a Liberal/Progressive:
America is a great country that has overcome many difficult times, BUT there are many issues that still face us today. America was founded on a document that broke us from the chains of a European ruler, BUT there are new issues facing our country today that that document does not settle. Today, the fairness in this country has been biased to a certain portion of Americans. Income disparity has grown to an all time high, where 1% holds all of the wealth, while the other 99% struggle. Our economy is unfair to too many people letting the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. Our system is holding down minorities, while the rich white men play in a league of their own with their own set of rules. The millionaires and billionaires are manipulating the system to benefit themselves while the burden falls on the backs of small businesses, working middle class families, and the poor. Republicans only want to go back to the same old ways of the Bush administration which would keep giving taxes breaks to the rich, loopholes to corporations, and subsidies to Big Oil. We need a fair level playing field. We need everyone to pay their fair share so we can all advance together as one America. (Enter Barack Obama stage right and cue the music) I will be the one to make this a fair country, I will create a fair playing field, and I will (fill in the blank). Vote for me in 2012, Barack Obama the Creator of Fairness.

Now I know you might be thinking that that sounded like a message we can all get behind, and its exactly what all the Occupy protests are fighting for. Of course it sounds good to the ear, that's why most of the statements above are usually found on signs, bumper stickers, and Obama’s teleprompter. What you are not asking yourself is HOW do you create fair!!! To the far-left it doesn't matter. See they believe what Saul Alinski says,(a Marxist Chicago community organizer who wrote Rules for Radicals), that the ends justify the means. Meaning it doesn't matter how we get there, as long as we get there. That can be a disturbing and dangerous path, and it is actually what you are seeing develop through the chaos of the Occupy protest.
Obama and most Progressives believe fairness should be created by a higher power, no not God, but Obama himself as President (I know for some there is no difference). Liberals will always use Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, and Gay rights as an example of inequality and how the government can create a more just society. Yes this is true, but Civil rights were being demanded by The People, and then the government responded, and the same goes for Gay Rights currently. Also, those were rights dealing with humanity and how society viewed a certain type of person, then resulting in laws that brought groups of people up in society to be equals at a higher level. I believe economic inequality is being fought to do the exact opposite.
Right now President Obama is shaping a dialogue that is creating envy through the prism of unfairness. Liberals want you to see a rich person and ask why do they need all of that money (well unless they are a part of Hollywood, then that money is acceptable because it contributes to their campaigns). Liberals have the mindset that the rich should give up some of their wealth to the poor to create equality. Like Obama told Joe the Plummer, "I think if you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody." Would that be fair? This is why we have a PROGRESSIVE income tax. The more you make the more you pay in taxes. Not just as a total amount due to a flat and equal percentage for all, but you must pay a higher percentage as well. Is that fair? They believe income disparity exists because the 1% hoards all the wealth. So they want more welfare programs to help the poor, which will be paid for by an increase in taxes on millionaires and billionaires that will never need them. Is that fair? They believe poor families are born into poor families, while rich kids like Paris Hilton are born into wealth. So they support a death tax (estate tax) that currently takes 35% of the total value of all assets over $1 million after death, in 2013 it increases to 55%. Is that fair? They claim the rich are not paying their fair share, yet 47% of the country pays NO federal income tax while the top 1% pays 36% of the total federal income tax, the top 5% pays 59%, and the top 10% pay 70%. Is that fair enough? Progressives want to create fairness through tax law and legislation, but stealing from one person to give to another is not true fairness. And, unlike civil rights, creating economic equality does not raise a person’s status, it only bring down the higher classes to seem more equal overall. The democrats will use this illusion of fairness to help the president because he cannot run on his presidential record.  He will speak in a bumper sticker fashion that will appeal to a majority of the country because a majority of the country is not rich. Class warfare is all he has left, and he is naming the rich as the enemy. Will you be fooled and persuaded to believe that our country is so unfair? I believe most people are smarter than the president thinks. I believe that a majority will side with the Conservative Mindset.

Conservatives believe that we are all created equal with unalienable rights from God, and we have the right to pursue happiness. However, from birth on we must lay in the bed that we make. Now that bed might not be as nice as your friend’s bed to start, but who is really the one to blame for that. This country does not have a fairness problem, it has an accountability problem. Did you take your school work seriously when you were younger, and if not did your parents hound you for it. Accountability starts with the individual, followed by the family, and then if and only if you do not find the problem there can you begin to point fingers to others. You see, we may not all start life in the same class and we will not all end life in the same class. The government should only be concerned with protecting equal rights at birth and making sure it is possible to climb to the highest social status possible. Sure there are instances of unfairness as we climb to the top, but that is life, and if they are unjust or illegal, then we have laws to handle that. It is not fair to get a job or into a school because the government sets quotas to be met based on sex, race or religion. The government cannot manipulate the free market to artificially create fairness because it disincentives hard working honest people, and that’s truly unfair. The government should not pick winners and losers by shaping tax code and creating exemption for companies based on special interests (That goes for both parties). That is unfair. But it is not unfair to be denied a job because you are unqualified, or to receive a salary that doesn’t cover the expenses of your complex family situation, or that you are not given a job right out of college, or that your neighbor has three speed boats and you have none. Figure out how to get three speed boats, and if it is too late for you then make sure you teach your children so they continue your family’s climb to the top. It is not the rich 1% holding the other 99% down. Taxing the rich is nice sound bite, but you cannot get around the fact that you are take from one person to give to another because you think they have "enough" already. The rich do not stuff their money under their mattress, they invest it, that's why they are rich in the first place. Investment is what starts businesses, create jobs, a triggers new innovation. No matter what way you look at it, nobody works for a person poorer than them. Your boss is always richer than you, if he wasn't then he couldn't hire you. So we must have economic hierarchy, and there must be competition to the top.The president wants you to direct your anger at the rich man, I say be angry at yourself for not finding a way to earn the rich man’s job. Be angry at yourself for not taking your teachers serious, and be angry at your family for not pushing you to be better off than them.

It is time to stopping buying into the idea that democrats are here to help and make everything ok. They dangle entitlement checks in front of the vulnerable, not so they build wealth, but to guarantee a vote.  Notice how Obama’s big solution is to tax the rich in order to solve all problems. How much does taxing the rich actually give you? He is not talking about creating wealth for you, he just wants to look like the guy that is there to help you get by. And don’t worry, when that money runs out, as long as you keep voting democrat the checks will keep coming. Welfare, food stamps, and public housing does not create an incentive to climb higher in society because it is too hard to give up free stuff. It creates a mindset of mediocrity and resentment. The idea of free stuff is then what gets past down to the kids along with the idea that the rich man is keeping them there. Kids grow up without seeing what it means to live inside your means and to balance a checkbook. Now this doesn’t apply to allow families on assistance, but more and more kids are being born into this environment of "free stuff". It creates an entitled society that is doomed for failure. The ones that are fooled the most are minorities. Like Herman Cain says, “it’s time for the black community to get off the Democratic Plantation.” And to really throw a wrench into the minority melting pot, Asian-Americans are the greatest minority of all, yet they have the lowest unemployment rate of all. In fact, they have consistently held a lower rate since 2000, and it is currently at 6.5%. I wonder if that has anything to do with their attitude towards education and the opportunities they take advantage of in our country, or their reliance on entitlements? 
It is ironic how liberals are true believers of Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection and Evolution, but they refuse to make the connection between survival of the fittest and our economy. Despite what you have been told, conservatives do not want the poor and minorities to starve on the streets while they regret their mistakes. We just believe that the idea of poor and unfair has been inflated. For instance, you are not poor if you have a car, a cell phone, a computer with internet, and a TV. No matter how lame that cell phone is, or how slow the internet, that does not equal poor and it certainly is not unfair. You shouldn't  request food assistance, renter’s assistance, or utility assistance because it helps offset the prior luxuries mentioned. It seems people these days do not know what it means to be poor. There use to be a time when if you wanted a house you would save up the money, buy some property, and then build your family a house. Now you file paperwork for section eight. Americans are the most generous fair people in the world, but we are getting to a point where we don’t feel like our money is going to those in need. We need to start thinking about who is really being greedy.
In the next eleven months you are going to see democrats pin the lower and middle class against the rich. They will claim the GOP nominee is against the middle class, while they promise to deliver prosperity either through entitlement programs for the poor or public union pensions for the working class. In the end neither promise will ever pay off because they both use money that belongs to other people. Call it Marxism or Socialism it doesn’t matter, the same holds true, eventually you run out of other people’s money. A utopian society cannot be built by redistributing the wealth. Eventually, and a lot sooner than later, our entitlement society will run out of money to support it. When that happens Occupy Wall Street will look like a peace rally compared to what will be in the streets.  Remember this election is crucial and will test what you believe. Until then, be smart and question what you are being told to believe. Make sure you understand what you stand for, and more importantly be knowledgeable about what you stand against. It is easy for sound clips to be played to make conservatives sound harsh and cruel, but remember we want everyone to use their freedom to earn wealth and move their family upward in society, not to be tethered to Uncle Sam’s wallet. Work hard, educate yourself, and be charitable, and if that eventually puts you in place with three speed boats one day, then good for you. That's true fairness. That's the American Dream. 

                                          Milton Friedman: Fairness vs. Freedom

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