
Monday, June 27, 2011 Nation under God...

     Think back to your earliest memories in grade school, most likely you can recall standing up every morning as a class, placing your hand over your heart, and saying the Pledge of Allegiance.  In grade school it seemed like the Pledge of Allegiance was something to be honored and cherished. Maybe because we were young, but even so, it felt like a national tradition that our inexperienced lives just weren’t able to understand yet. Who would’ve guessed that by the time we reached high school it would be nothing more than a voice through a loud speaker. There was no longer any Allegiance; it was just a Pledge that maybe half the class stood up for, with only a few students brave enough to still place their hand over their heart. It seems like as we progress through our years of schooling and into our adult lives, we are no longer reinforced to believe in this tradition. In fact, if you understand the history of the Pledge you know it is not exactly an American tradition like we were always led to believe. You could argue about how and why the words in the Pledge of Allegiance have changed over time, how it didn’t start out as a Pledge to America, why God didn’t make an appearance until 1954, and about the Supreme Court ruling that it is unconstitutional to make it mandatory to recite; but you cannot argue that it has become an American legacy that a vast majority in this country cherish and still believe in. Maybe the Pledge of Allegiance did not start out with the intentions to be used like it is used today, but looking at each word in present time I think you can say our country used it properly as a guiding motto to live up to. However, not everyone feels comfortable agreeing with that, do you? Is the Pledge of Allegiance even appropriate? Should we take it away all together or at least remove those “highly controversial” words of one nation under God? If you are laughing at those questions stop, because there many people out there that would answer differently than you.  
                Last Sunday NBC took a risk and decided to test the waters to see if the Liberal idea, that God is a thing of the past, is beginning to take hold. If this video fires you up, then good for you (don’t forget to ‘Like/Share’ at the bottom). If this video doesn’t do it for you, then I better go on.  To “liberals” that are open to seeing the other side, you must understand that there is an agenda set on the left that isn’t being honest with you. While you may think it is all about tolerance and compassion, there is an attempt to gradually change this country fundamentally by progressing our society forward. Progressives will try to fool you into thinking that they want to progress your lifestyle forward with electric cars, high speed trains, and renewable green energy.  Sounds great to me! But what they've failed to mention is that their true agenda cannot be fulfilled until they convince this country that the Constitution is a living document that has progressed and outgrown the time period in which it was written. They believe that those old white men wrote a document that was not prepared to handle modern ideas like Wall Street, "too big to fail" banks, same sex marriage, race-equality, Scientology, and Facebook. They believe that the Constitution is irrelevant and that we need a big government to handle and regulate all of these new ideas, not an old piece of paper. This does not apply to just the Constitution, but to any patriotic symbol that reminds us of how our country was created, including the Pledge of Allegiance. So let’s be clear, NBC did not make a mistake when they cut out one nation under God and it was not a coincident that it was a classroom of small children who were saying it, they just over estimated the progress Liberals have made. Now I can't fixate all the blame towards NBC because this attack on God and our founding principles is everywhere. Just this month, a San Antonio judge banned a valedictorian from leading her graduation ceremony in prayer, a principle in Vermont made their valedictorian cut out the part in his speech where he thanked God for influencing his life, and a group of atheists in NY are trying to get a newly named street changed because it mentions the word Heaven (7 in Heaven Way runs in front of a fire station and is dedicated to seven firefighters that died on 9/11).  Those are just three examples from the past 2 weeks, and believe me there more to come with the GOP Presidential Primaries getting started. Most of the Conservative candidates are priding themselves on their faith, and certain media outlets are licking their chocks waiting to attack. The Rolling Stone magazine is already at it with their portrayal of Michele Bachman as a religious zealot whose brain is a raging electrical storm of divine visions and paranoid delusions…batshit crazy…rare breed of political psychopath, equal parts crazed Divine Wind kamikaze-for-Jesus and calculating, six-faced Machiavellian prevaricator.”  It will only get worse.                                                
      I write this because I don’t believe that half the people that identify themselves as Liberal would agree with this. In fact, they might not even believe me that liberals are the ones that are against God. After all, liberals are supposed be the compassionate ones with toleration for all views. Actually, they will even try to convince you that they are upholding the Constitution because we are suppose to have a separation from church and state, and for way too long the state has been supporting one religion. It’s a complete distortion. It’s important that Liberals understand what an extreme wing of their ideology is up to. It’s also important to understand that when liberals strive for toleration and equality for most views, their strategy is to cut down the majority to even out the scales rather than holding up the minority. This is showcased the most with religion.
       I believe that if you had to choose, that you would choose the Conservative mindset. We view this country as being founded on the single understanding that God gives us our freedom, not any man, or government. Without that acknowledgement, there is no America. We were created equal because God made us equal, not because a government law makes us equal. It is important that we acknowledge the importance of God as our foundation because that is what makes us such a unique country with more freedom than ever imagined. In 1942, one year before the Supreme Court made its ruling; Congress passed legislation, under President Eisenhower, to add the words one nation under God in order to strengthen our founding principles. Many will argue that this was a case of McCarthyism (a pledge against a Communist takeover in America), and there may be some truth behind that, but was that wrong? Eisenhower was inspired by a Reverend who said, “apart from the mention of the phrase 'the United States of America,' it could be the pledge of any republic. In fact, I could hear little Muscovites repeat a similar pledge to their hammer-and-sickle flag in Moscow.” This is true; the Pledge needed something that made it unique to America, something that if the name of the country was interchanged it would not carry the same meaning. Our country’s tie to God was, and is, the most unique thing in the world. President Eisenhower said, “in this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in America's heritage and future; in this way we shall constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our country's most powerful resource in peace and war.”
                Also, don’t be tricked into believing that our Constitution says that there is a separation between church and state, because it is not in there. The first amendment states that no law shall establish a religion.  The words separation between church and state appear in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists where he writes “...I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church & State." The wall between the two is not there to protect government from religious persuasion, but to protect religion from the government. Meaning a judge should not be able to tell someone that they cannot mention God at a public graduation, or be written in a personal speech to express their gratitude, or even be displayed on a street sign outside of a firehouse to avoid offending someone. This country was established by people from a melting pot of different backgrounds, and none of us are close to being equal when measured by any test or compared to any social norm. However, since we were created by God, and our country was established in a result of the freedoms given to us from God, we all have the opportunity to reach an equal place in life. There are many instances throughout our country where equal opportunity was not always recognized and granted, and many are quick to point those out to Conservatives, but we must respect the changes that were made, that they were allowed to be made, and most importantly how they were made. Yes laws were drafted to create equalities, but it is our freedom from God that permits us to grow and mature as a nation, and at our own pace, to become a more perfect union. It is important to point out that the laws that give us equality were mostly created because the People saw an injustice and acted, and it is God that gives up the ability to see those injustices and the courage to act. So I leave you with this, only in America do protests create laws, but we must resist becoming a country where laws create protests.

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  1. It seems the things that made this country, faith, respect for others, hard work and dedication, honesty, seem to be fading. Imagine a family in their living room in 1955, mom dad and the kids watching TV, and by some miracle, for one hour, a TV show or a music video from 2011 started to broadcast! Imagine how shocked they would be.
    I do believe it will turn around. I believe we are at a breaking point.We see whats happening

  2. I couldn't agree more with this article. It says all the things I have thought but never articulated quite as well as this. I believe without the Godly principles that this country WAS founded on.. hard work, marrige between one man and one woman, life for unborn babies, and our children not having to be "tolorant" of sinful behavior... all the wealth and blessings of our country are in jeapordy! May God help and Bless this country! and change the minds/hearts of people and politicians for what is right and wholesome in this country!

    Thank you, Kathy B
