
Monday, June 20, 2011

Who put Liberalism in my drink !!!

This post is to layout my opinion on why most people believe they are a Liberals. Before we get too involved lets understand that I choose not to link these ideologies to Republicans and Democrats. It's traditionally accepted that Republicans are Conservatives and Democrats are Liberals, but those labels are too vague and I think it can be said for both parties that their representatives tend to stray away from their core values once elected. There are always Blue Dog Democrats (usually fiscal conservatives i.e. John F. Kennedy) and RINO Republicans (Republican In Name Only i.e. John McCain).  The question is, if we strip away the R's and D's next to the politician's name, could we identity their core principles, and would we support them? Before you can answer that you must know if what you believe is truly your core belief.
    My hometown area of Western Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh) has a demographic of hardworking, blue collar, pro-labor, Democrats. This comes from the generations of hardworking mill workers who come from a melting pot of nationalities. The problem is that as time has changed, so has the political agenda of the Democratic party. So most of the older democrats in the area are JFK Democrats, but not necessarily liberals.  Many changed their political preference when President Reagan came around (who was originally a democrat), that is why so many refer to themselves as Reagan Democrats or Reagan Republicans. So how did this liberal mindset evolve?
     Liberalism is nothing new. It started out as Classical Liberalism, which is a good thing because it stood for liberty and personal freedom. This idea is what sparked our country's existence. Then it was hijacked and changed to Progressivism in the early 1900's, then it switched its name to Liberalism, and now Hilary Clinton is bringing the term Progressive back in style. These two terms have their small differences, but  politically they can be interchanged . With that out of the way, lets focus on our current generations and see how Liberalism has been disguised and slipped into all of our drinks.
    One, the Hippie movement which turned into a powerful, loving, free living, anti-war entity that co-opted many children of those JFK Democrats. The good thing is that many Hippies eventually grew up, the bad thing is many did not (i.e. San Francisco and Nancy Pelosi).  
    Secondly, Hollywood is the biggest liberal machine known to man. Most people live everyday watching their favorite TV shows, reading their gossip magazines, following celebrities on Twitter, and making the biggest mistake of listening to their politics. Until liberal biases are pointed out, many have no idea the political indoctrination that they are fed daily. Adults usually have their principles set so they can fend for themselves, but our youth is spoon fed their morals by Hollywood while their liberal parents sit by and allow it (i.e. MTV).
    Thirdly, the media is an embarrassment. Without getting too specific now, the mainstream media (ABC, NBC, CBS) is all in the tank for the political left. How is it that every controversial topic in politics is cover the same way by all three news outlets. Even CNN (which is not "mainstream" because it is cable programming) plays along. We can all agree that every controversial topic is controversial because it has two sides, so why do people accept the fact that ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN  lean to one side and Fox News leans to the other side. Easy, everyone is told to believe that Fox News lies. No matter where you stand on an issue, media coverage like that is unfair to all of us. So if one side is constantly thrown in your face and the other side is ridiculed constantly (especially by Hollywood) what else are you to believe?
    Lastly, the education system is slipping away. History is no longer taught accurately with direct sources, theories are presented as fact, and political activism shapes the curriculum. The youth do not stand a chance.Our college system...well have you been on a college campus or in a college class recently? Nothing important is being taught unless you are in your last two semesters of core classes. Also, unions..we'll get to the unions some other time though. They deserve their own post!
     In a nutshell, the conservative mindset seems like it doesn't stand a chance, yet this country is still a right centered country. The reason is that most people do have the core values that support the conservative mindset, but they don't realize it until they mature to a point in their life where other people can no longer dictate what they believe. I'm not saying that all liberals are immature, there are many people that truly and rightfully believe in the liberal cause. However, I believe that most people share conservative values, but a certain culture tells them if they do then they are a radical wing-nut of the right, a racist, a bigot, and an uncompassionate person. So from here on out I will be presenting my case using current issues that arise in the news, and every once in a while looking back to the past, to more specifically focus on the topics above and more. The line in the sand has been drawn, and it is time to to reveal the Conservative Majority to the Liberal Minority.

Spread the Conservative Mindset with:

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. Its good to know young adults are aware of whats going on with the liberal media. Unless your not aware you would never notice the influence their having on the public. NBC just broadcast the us open. They edited out "under GOD " from the pledge. The public was outraged.
    Next time you might want to point out how Nancy Pelowsi had a 62% in her income last year (14 million dollars) while most lost money in their 401ks'
